Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

How To Live In Diversity


Actually we live in diversity. we live in indonesia that contains many people ,many tribe ,many religions and any else. From sabang until merauke there are many different cultures.. not only native cultural but also many culture from the outside
Well, How we live in diversity ?? yeah .. as indonesian we already know that many different things between us..
 so we must have tolerance with the other people who not have the same thing like us.We should appreciate it,  we should look it by a good things . don’t judge them just because they have not the same thing like us.
 In addition, we should respect each other. Although we are different but that’s not means that we can’t be unites with our difference. We also should appreciate any difference and make the difference into the unites of us. don’t make the different into our torn asunder.
Like our motto “BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA”. Althouh we are different but we are still one ..
as students we can appreciate the differences in a way do not choose friends just because of different tribal, religion, etc. We should be friends with those who are different from us and try to complement each other with our difference.

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